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3 Ways to Design Wedding Napkins that Engage Your Guests

22 Feb 2021

By Rose Smith

Give your wedding day a clever layer of personalization by taking your wedding cocktail napkins to the next level. While personalized napkins are always a great idea, cocktail napkins that intrigue your guests with lesser-known fun facts, to smile with a funny quote, or to participate in a fun game of trivia, Not only is it a cute and personal touch to add to your wedding day décor, it’s a great opportunity to add a few extra colors to your wedding napkin colorway!

add quotes to your wedding napkins with For Your Party

1) Favorite Quotes Cocktail Napkins

Designing wedding napkins with your favorite quotes is a great way to engage your guests as they sip your signature wedding cocktails. Whether you opt for a funny quote from your favorite TV show, or an inspiring quote on a topic that means a lot to you, or a sentimental quote that sums up your love for one another, your guests will enjoy the personalized touch!

design fun fact cocktail napkins for your wedding with For Your Party

2) Fun Fact Cocktail Napkins

Fun Fact cocktail napkins are an interesting and potentially hilarious addition for your wedding bar. If your side of the family doesn’t know your soon-to-be spouse very well, or vice versa, fun fact napkins can bridge the gap on your big day. Color code your fun facts napkins to make it easier for guests to determine which fun facts they haven’t read yet–and they’re more likely to ask someone nearby to exchange fun facts with them. Check out our How to Choose Facts for Your Fun Facts Wedding Napkins Guide for more details.

add a fun quote to your wedding cocktail napkins with For Your Party

3) Trivia Cocktail Napkins

Another fun way to incorporate your guests a bit more with your personalized décor is wedding trivia cocktail napkins! Wedding trivia cocktail napkins are a great conversation starter and a clever way to prompt your wedding guests to have some fun together, solving the trivia questions, swapping stories, and, of course, sipping cocktails! Check out our trivia napkins how-to guide for more details!

Create wedding trivia cocktail napkins for your big day with For Your Party!

Whichever route you choose to go, designing wedding napkins that engage your guests is a great way to personalize your wedding day. Get started designing the perfect custom cocktail napkins for your unique wedding today!

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add quotes to your wedding napkins with For Your Party