For a unique and inexpensive wedding reception table number sign, roll up your sleeves, spread out the drop cloth, and get started making these fab concrete brick table numbers! We are big fans of DIYs that don’t take all the T-I-M-E, and this project definitely gives quick and easy results. All supplies are easily sourced at your local big box home improvement store, and the DIY process is simple, too!

What you need:
-Stencil set from local home improvement store
-spray paint in color and finish of your choice
-concrete bricks and blocks in your preferred sizes (smaller for table numbers, larger for words like “love” or “always”)
-drop cloth
-painter’s tape (wider is easier)

What you do:
-gather supplies (see above) and choose spray paint color
-drop that drop cloth! (don’t underestimate spray paint’s ability to travel on the breeze!)
-tape number stencils on bricks, using painters tape to cover the rest of the surface
-spray paint over the stencil in light coats, letting dry completely between coats (remember: adding more paint is possible, subtracting too much paint is not possible, and can lead to drips)
-when goal look is achieved, and paint is dry, carefully remove stencils and painter’s tape
-voilá! You just DIYed a super cute set of table numbers! Cheers!